On nearly an impulse, upon the discovery of a surprise national four-day weekend (these appear unpredicably now and then), and with mom and Claude's visit next month, we decided to off to the sea and become divers...
So there we were a few days later on Lombok, the next-door polite and quiet neighbor to relatively raucous Bali. We'd spotted a just-about-right in all ways resort on the beach on the Internet, and Julia'd done her magic thing about the prices, and there it was, our bungalow for four nights...

At the beachside front edge of this tranquil garden, with only the occasional hawker, a pack of beach dogs, and the crashing of the waves. We didn't see the sun for four days (will this rainy season EVER end?), but who's counting anymore now. It's absence didn't affect our adventure,

whose hosts we found right next door to our bungalow in the dining room.

Our plans now fixed (Julia did that magic thing with money again, and I played along), we went to the beach to learn about crashing Indian Ocean waves, currents, and crunchy sand in nasty places... Orange shirt courtesy of Hilton Head, NC, circa 1998.