All By Myself ... not quite... (P.Y.T.)
People always ask me if I live alone. Well, no. Without further ado, crediting Oliver Stone, Brian de Palma and of course Al Pacino,
"Say hello to my little friend!!!!"
On September 23rd, 2004, eleven thousand miles after boarding a plane in Charlotte, North Carolina, I disembarked in Jakarta. This is what's been happening since...
People always ask me if I live alone. Well, no. Without further ado, crediting Oliver Stone, Brian de Palma and of course Al Pacino,
The UPI version of last Friday's "parade" described in pics below can be found at the following site:
As Academic Director of this new institution in Jakarta, it falls to me to produce or choose the essay topic for the composition portion of the placement test which goes a long way towards, well, placing incoming students in particular levels of classes. One of the more popular topics among my peers goes something like this:
And now complete with cinema verite pics... About Last Night (Friday).
The dump aside...
Thursday night, Friday AM, October 21-22, 2005. After three days delivering sales pitches and attending curious meetings where mostly I continued an education in "Other perspectives on 'yes' and 'no'," by Wednesday evening I was wrung out, strung out, facing a business trip in the early AM, and as my boss wisely pointed out to me, right on schedule for a little culture shock. Passed a Dunkin' Donuts on the way home, remembered mornings in Virginia, picked out a half-dozen assortment to make the rise for the trip a little easier, but was denied, not really to my surprise, a large iced decaf to go. The weather was right for it, but like I said before, occasionally it may look like it, but we're not in Kansas anymore... Got home, set the carton by the microwave, slowly headed towards the above bed.... (fade to black)
Saturday, October 16. Finally gave in and ate something non-Asian tonight.Took a friend to a place called Amigos, nestled well back of the main streets I live on, in a little high-end strip mall where a "cafe latte" maker sell for $100, displayed on a $300 solid mahogany coffee table (from guess whose disappearing rainforest, I'm sure) plunked down in the middle of a mass of large private homes. Not a bad imitation of Mexican, but it was easily the least memorable repast of the trip. But there were two things worth commenting on. The first is that each table had at least one white guy at it. Most had a couple of ‘em, and all but one had a local lady, too. Several had cute kids. Not cute: nearly all the guys were heavily into their beers and practicing leers. Kinda gross. But, the families were fun to watch, especially when the dancing started.
October 11 2005. Having the housekeeper here. Let me count the ways I'm blessed. I'm sitting here in the living room, typing this in anticipation of a modem being installed tomorrow morning (they didn't come as promised yesterday, more later), but why not hope for the best? Pot of tea, familiar classic tunes... Absent ironing board the maid's (Murni henceforth) sister was brought in to help Murni get ahead of things, and stands at my table with a mat ironing away, while Murni's in the kitchen (with Dino?) cooking... doorbell rings. Cable Guy. Over my shoulder I hear the loud "Blah blah blah jabber jabber jabber" of my Murni watching my back. Her sister got the door. This goes on for a bit, the building management guy chips in, too. This is how it went, me typing away with music going, nostrils and stomache awakened by the onions and chilis and garlic and other fun stuff coming their way soon (I get a week's home cooking for the price of one decent meal out...): "blah jabber bam blah jabber bam blah jabber bam... thank you" and two of them leave, and everything's going to be OK. Sorta like the Gary Larson Far Side cartoon where we hear what the dog, tail wagging throughout, hears: "Blah blah blah FOOD blah blah blah FIDO blah blah blah". I know from Poland that over time, with a little effort from me, the blah blah will form itself into meaningful soundwaves, but I'm enjoying the privacy in a crowd I get from only having a general idea of what's going on. Much more interesting being minimally aware of the sounds and tones of the language than maximally of the content of the words... do I really want to know what the housekeeper, her sister, and the cable guy are saying about the cable jack in my bedroom??? "blah jabber sis boom bah thank you" far richer melody. And tomorrow maybe I'll send this thing out as a result of that melody...
Mon. 10/11 Sitting in my office at 11:00. Let's start there, shall we? Actually, you can skip the first half of this post and go right to the charming and riotous photo montage below this post if you'd like. You can click on any pic in the tour for a much larger version. I hope the "desk" in what was to be my office (I have a different idea) was built by disgruntled workers during one of the colonial episodes of Indo's past... for a child. I know the wall "cabinetry" wasn't, because I can see through the paint. Moneyflow problems have held up the purchase of equipment, but not of signage, so aside from welcoming the occasional prospective student, there's little to be done in the office, except pay other people to paint after hours, which is a job I'd gladly have done myself, except it would have been rude of me to deprive someone else of earnings (very true). But today, I sat with my laptop at aforementioned desk for a bit, preparing a student registration form, and interrupting myself with the cursed cell phone, SMSing ( a cumbersome instant messaging system that's cheaper by far than speaking on the darned thing, so it's the way of Indonesians...) condolences to a radio staion manager who for sad reasons had to postpone an appointment, finding out where my office manager was (more on that later, perhaps), tracking down my ironing board -- kinda hard to lose one of those, but leave it to me...(in Rio's van). Mainly I was there to help our new front office assistant get used to me. This desk faces hers through a door directly, and everytime I look up, she jumps up. Then again, that's not at all uncommon around me in these parts -- be nice when I see less of that "whoopie cushion with a smile" on people's faces (more later) ... Business meetings in my apartment all weekend,
and how I'd even fallen in love for a few minutes (no, really!) with the singer in the seven piece band (with kick ass horn section) as she nailed "To Love Somebody". Out of seven possible requests to choose from, and remembering the band on Gilligan's (Sepa) Island, I think the Bee Gees (originally from nearby Oz, let's not forget) were very big indeed in these here parts. At the club, loving the band with one eye, used the other to catch the repeat of the 12th inning of the classic Yanks/Mets matchup I'd had to abandon yesterday morning to chase down more credit for my hated but essential cell phone...
Speaking of "chase", a word (or three) about sweat at this point. By the time I'd returned to my apartment with the re"charged" phone at half past ten, I'd thoroughly fragranced my shirt four times (and hair and pants, for that matter). There was the trip downstairs to the building management to explain the plumbing (1), back to apartment for laptop, six minutes to the market for sim (cell phone) card (2), cool down waiting for it, two blocks to ATM, roast in enclosed booth, half a block to Internet cafe where I discover local radius server down (3 with an exclamation point), cross street to Starbucks, order Latte and Internet card, cool down. Same radius server serves that insultingly-priced Seattle coffee place. Walk home (4). It's only 10:30 AM. That's the life.
Earl Grey in nearly large enough sunny new teacup while shaving. Reflecting on the laundry I'd done yesterday, laid out on the drying rack now standing in the 2nd bath, and hung on every available door knob and chair back (tons and eight, respectively), looking at all the creases, remembering how in Poland I'd loved that ritual, and the copious mellowing ironing that followed, usually while watching the latest compelling "X-Files", and I sneak a little smile. The other teacher in our Institute, Keiyoung, (pic below) pulled up at 1:00 yesterday with a couple of boxes of kitchenware she didn't need, and I noted the absence of the dishwasher... Glancing down, these floors look wonderful -- two or three tones of ceramic tile throughout, shiny and glistening, but a minute barefoot and the soles of one's feet are dark as coal. In 48 hours Murni (pic below, on the right here with her sister, who's been here every day so far, and I can't tell you why...)starts her four half-days a week, and she'll take care of all that and try to make me fat, too. Located by the building management who have been wonderful to me, currently working for an Irishman nearby and previously for an American family in this complex, she nearly won (in a very big way) the bartering negotiation before I realized what was happening (maybe that's why she arrived for introductions yesterday 45 minutes early, at 7:45...) Later in the day I tracked her down by phone and got the price down to something manageable. Phew... live and learn. So, no more laundry or ironing or mopping or cooking here. Is this the beginning of a marvelous relationship (Bogart and Claude Rains (?) after the plane takes Grace Kelly away from Casablanca). And no, you neo-cons, or old-fashioned cons, she won't be living in!
Eating local corn flakes, which I think are put in the local box by the same folks that put 'em in the Kelloggs box, remembered looking out at this neighborhood from my balcony Wednesday night, the eve of my 2-week anniversary in this universe.
If a picture paints a clichéd number of words, this oughtta be brief. Because folks of all ages and assortments may read this, let me just say that before noon, on Saturday October 3rd, at noon, about snorkeling… well, I’d DONE it before, but, you know, never really DONE it… By noon that had changed, and 24 hours later, I’m a pro. After a speed boat trip that’s shorter than the drive from DC to the Shenandoahs, by 10:00 I’d seated myself in a deckchair to shoot a pic of my beachside bungalow
It's Friday evening, Oct. 1, Friday AM your time. You know you're not in Kansas anymore when you rush back to your hotel room from an early breakfast to catch the election debate live. You also know you're not in Kansas when you're sitting in a comfy cozy wireless internet cafe in a city of 12 million insane drivers who pass on the left or right on a one-lane street, and you're looking out the window at light on a wall and it's not moths and cicadas scampering around it, but little lizard things with suction cups on their feet... Let's see, one also has to look at everything one puts in one's mouth with the chopsticks, as reading the NYTimes online and NOT looking at what one grabbed in one's wooden fingers will lead to a 4-alarm fire emergency; but with water at 50 cents and beer at $1.50 per glass, who's counting?
September 30. Well, finally got my first cell phone today, and it's cheap as heck to do Short Message Service (roughly 6 cents anywhere in the world). So,if you can receive SMS, give me your number and I may surprise you one day soon...